==> Help on keyword Append *Append opens an existing file and subsequent lines of keyboard input are appended to it, input being terminated by ESCAPE. Syntax: *Append ==> Help on keyword Build *Build opens a new file and subsequent lines of keyboard input are directed to it, input being terminated by ESCAPE. Syntax: *Build ==> Help on keyword Close *Close (no parameters) closes all files on the current filing system. ==> Help on keyword Create *Create reserves space for the named file, optionally giving it load/exec addresses. No data is transferred to the file. Syntax: *Create [ [ []]] ==> Help on keyword Delete *Delete tries to delete the named file, giving an error if the file does not exist. Syntax: *Delete ==> Help on keyword Dump *Dump displays the contents of the file as a hex and ASCII dump. Syntax: *Dump [ []] ==> Help on keyword Exec *Exec directs the operating system to take further input from the given file. *Exec with no filename causes the exec file to be closed. Syntax: *Exec [] ==> Help on keyword FX *FX r0 [r1 [r2]] calls OsByte. ==> Help on keyword GO *Go [address] [ ; environment] - go to address; default &8000; text after ';' is environment string. ==> Help on keyword Help *Help attempts to give useful information on the selected topics. Special keywords include: Commands List all the available utility commands FileCommands List all the filing system-specific commands Modules List the module titles Syntax Explain the syntax message format ==> Help on keyword Key *Key sets the function keys. Syntax: *Key [] ==> Help on keyword Load *Load with no specified address loads the named file at its own load address. If a Load address is specified, it will be used instead. Syntax: *Load [] ==> Help on keyword List *List displays the contents of the file in the configured GSRead format. Each line is preceded with a line number. Syntax: *List ==> Help on keyword Print *Print displays the contents of a file by sending each byte to the VDU. Syntax: *Print ==> Help on keyword Remove *Remove tries to delete the named file without causing an error. Syntax: *Remove ==> Help on keyword Save *Save copies the given area of memory to the named file. Syntax: *Save [ []] or *Save + [ []] ==> Help on keyword Shadow *Shadow makes subsequent mode changes use the other screen bank. Use *Shadow [0|1] ==> Help on keyword Spool *Spool opens a new file and causes subsequent VDU output to be directed to it, subject to the current *fx 3 status. *Spool with no filename causes the spool file to be closed. Syntax: *Spool [] ==> Help on keyword SpoolOn *SpoolOn opens an existing file and causes subsequent VDU output to be appended to it, subject to the current *fx 3 status. *SpoolOn with no filename causes the spool file to be closed. Syntax: *SpoolOn [] ==> Help on keyword TV *TV [ []] sets the position of the display on the screen. ==> Help on keyword Type *Type displays the contents of the file in the configured GSRead format. Syntax: *Type ==> Help on keyword Configure *Configure [] sets the CMOS RAM options. Items implemented in modules are: FileSwitch 1.04 (25 Sep 1987) FileSystem ADFS 1.02 (24 Sep 1987) Drive Floppies HardDiscs Step SoundChannels 1.17 (25 Sep 1987) SoundDefault International 1.05 (12 Aug 1987) Country ==> Help on keyword Commands Utility commands: Arthur 1.20 (25 Sep 1987) Append Build Close Create Delete Dump Exec FX GO Help Key Load List Print Remove Save Shadow Spool SpoolOn TV Type MOS Utilities 1.20 (25 Sep 1987) Configure Echo Error Eval GOS IF Ignore Modules RMClear RMKill RMLoad RMReInit RMRun RMTidy ROMModules Set SetEval SetMacro Show Status Time Unplug Unset FileSwitch 1.04 (25 Sep 1987) Access Cat CDir Copy Count Dir EnumDir Ex Info LCat LEx Lib Opt Rename Run SetType Shut ShutDown Stamp Up Wipe DeskTop 1.02 (11 Sep 1987) DeskTop DeskFS BBC BASIC V 1.02 (25 Sep 1987) Basic Debugger 1.00 (11 Sep 1987) BreakClr BreakList BreakSet Continue Debug InitStore Memory MemoryA MemoryI Quit ShowRegs ADFS 1.02 (24 Sep 1987) Adfs Basic Editor 1.00 (21 Aug 1987) ARMBE Window Manager 1.00 (14 Sep 1987) Pointer Font Manager 1.00 (14 Sep 1987) FontList FontCat SpriteUtils 1.00 (08 Sep 1987) SChoose SGet SFlipX SFlipY SDelete SList SLoad SMerge SNew SSave SInfo SRename SCopy ScreenSave ScreenLoad SoundDMA 1.10 (25 Sep 1987) Audio Speaker Stereo SoundChannels 1.17 (25 Sep 1987) Volume Voices ChannelVoice Sound Tuning SoundScheduler 1.07 (20 Aug 1987) Tempo QSound Hard Copy 1.00 (04 Sep 1987) HardCopyFX HardCopyMX HardCopyRX International 1.05 (12 Aug 1987) Alphabet Country Keyboard Podule manager 1.03 (14 Sep 1987) Podules PoduleLoad PoduleSave ==> Help on keyword Echo *Echo types the string, after transformation. ==> Help on keyword Error Generates an error with the given number and text. Syntax: *Error ==> Help on keyword Eval Evaluates an expression. Syntax: *Eval ==> Help on keyword FileCommands Filing System commands: ADFS 1.02 (24 Sep 1987) Back Backup Bye Compact Dismount Drive Format Free Map Mount NameDisc NameDisk NoDir NoLib NoUrd Title Urd Verify ==> Help on keyword GOS *Gos enters the supervisor. Use *Quit to exit. ==> Help on keyword IF The IF command conditionally executes another command depending on the value of an expression. Syntax: IF THEN [ ELSE ] ==> Help on keyword Ignore *Ignore sets the printer ignore character. Syntax: *Ignore [] ==> Help on keyword Modules Modules loaded are: MOS Utilities 1.20 (25 Sep 1987) FileSwitch 1.04 (25 Sep 1987) DeskTop 1.02 (11 Sep 1987) BBC BASIC V 1.02 (25 Sep 1987) Debugger 1.00 (11 Sep 1987) System Devices 1.02 (10 Sep 1987) ADFS 1.02 (24 Sep 1987) Basic Editor 1.00 (21 Aug 1987) Window Manager 1.00 (14 Sep 1987) Font Manager 1.00 (14 Sep 1987) SpriteUtils 1.00 (08 Sep 1987) SoundDMA 1.10 (25 Sep 1987) SoundChannels 1.17 (25 Sep 1987) SoundScheduler 1.07 (20 Aug 1987) WaveSynth 1.06 (21 Aug 1987) StringLib 1.06 (20 Aug 1987) Percussion 1.05 (20 Aug 1987) Hard Copy 1.00 (04 Sep 1987) International 1.05 (12 Aug 1987) Podule manager 1.03 (14 Sep 1987) *Modules gives more information ==> Help on keyword RMClear *RMClear deletes all relocatable modules. Syntax: *RMClear ==> Help on keyword RMKill *RMKill kills and deletes a relocatable module. Syntax: *RMKill ==> Help on keyword RMLoad *RMLoad loads and initialises a relocatable module. Syntax: *RMLoad ==> Help on keyword RMReInit *RMReInit reinitialises a relocatable module, reversing the action of *Unplug if appropriate. Syntax: *RMReInit ==> Help on keyword RMRun *RMRun runs a relocatable module. Syntax: *RMRun ==> Help on keyword RMTidy *RMTidy compacts and garbage collects the RMA. Syntax: *RMTidy ==> Help on keyword ROMModules *ROMModules lists the relocatable modules currently in ROM, along with their status. Syntax: *ROMModules ==> Help on keyword Set *Set assigns a string-type value to a variable. Syntax: *Set ==> Help on keyword SetEval *SetEval evaluates an expression and assigns it to a variable. Syntax: *SetEval ==> Help on keyword SetMacro *SetMacro assigns a macro-type value to a variable. Syntax: *SetMacro ==> Help on keyword Show *Show lists variables matching the name given. Syntax: *Show [] ==> Help on keyword Status *Status [] shows the CMOS RAM settings. ==> Help on keyword Syntax Symbols used in syntax descriptions: <> mark sections to be filled in, e.g. indicates that a filename should be supplied here. [] mark optional sections. ==> Help on keyword Time Displays the current real time. Syntax: *Time ==> Help on keyword Unplug *Unplug stops ROM modules being initialised. Syntax: *Unplug [ ] ==> Help on keyword Unset *Unset deletes a variable. Syntax: *Unset ==> Help on keyword Access *Access changes the attributes of objects matching the wildcarded specification. Syntax: *Access [] ==> Help on keyword Cat *Cat lists the objects in a directory (default is current). Syntax: *Cat [] ==> Help on keyword CDir *CDir creates a directory of given name (and size on Net only). Syntax: *CDir [] ==> Help on keyword Copy *Copy copies one or more files that match the given wildcarded specification between directories. Options: (use ~ to reverse effect) C(onfirm) Prompt for confirmation of each copy {on} D(elete) Delete the source after copy {off} F(orce) Force overwriting of existing objects {off} P(rompt) Prompt for the disc to be changed as needed in copy {off} Q(uick) Use application workspace to speed file transfer {off} R(ecurse) Copy subdirectories and contents {off} V(erbose) Print information on each file copied {on} Syntax: *Copy [] ==> Help on keyword Count *Count adds up the size of one or more files that match the given wildcarded specification. Options: (use ~ to reverse effect) C(onfirm) Prompt for confirmation of each count {off} R(ecurse) Count subdirectories and contents {on} V(erbose) Print information on each file counted {off} Syntax: *Count [] ==> Help on keyword Dir *Dir selects a directory as the current directory (default is &). Syntax: *Dir [] ==> Help on keyword EnumDir *EnumDir creates a file of filenames from a directory that match the supplied wildcarded specification (default is *). Syntax: *EnumDir [] ==> Help on keyword Ex *Ex lists the objects in a directory together with their file information (default is current). Syntax: *Ex [] ==> Help on keyword Info *Info lists the file information of an object. Syntax: *Info ==> Help on keyword LCat *LCat lists the objects in a subdirectory of the library (default is current library). Syntax: *LCat [] ==> Help on keyword LEx *LEx lists the objects in a subdirectory of the library together with their file information (default is current library). Syntax: *LEx [] ==> Help on keyword Lib *Lib selects a directory as the current library (default is filing system dependent). Syntax: *Lib [] ==> Help on keyword Opt *Opt controls filing system actions. Opt 1 Set the filing system message level Opt 4 Set the filing system boot option Syntax: *Opt [ [[,] ]] ==> Help on keyword Rename *Rename changes the name of an object. Syntax: *Rename ==> Help on keyword Run *Run loads and executes the named file, passing optional parameters to it. Syntax: *Run [] ==> Help on keyword SetType *SetType sets the file type of the named file. Syntax: *SetType ==> Help on keyword Shut *Shut closes all open files on all filing systems. Syntax: *Shut ==> Help on keyword ShutDown *ShutDown closes all open files on all filing systems, logs off file servers and causes hard discs to be parked. Syntax: *ShutDown ==> Help on keyword Stamp *Stamp sets the datestamp on a file. If the file was not already datestamped then it is given file type &FFD. Syntax: *Stamp ==> Help on keyword Up *Up moves the current directory up the directory structure by the specified number of levels. Syntax: *Up [] ==> Help on keyword Wipe *Wipe deletes one or more files that match the given wildcard specification. Options: (use ~ to reverse effect) C(onfirm) Prompt for confirmation of each deletion {on} F(orce) Force deletion of locked objects {off} R(ecurse) Delete subdirectories and contents {off} V(erbose) Print information on each file deleted {on} Syntax: *Wipe [] ==> Help on keyword FileSystem Syntax: *Configure FileSystem | ==> Help on keyword DeskTop *DeskTop starts the DeskTop application. Syntax: *DeskTop ==> Help on keyword DeskFS *DeskFS selects the DeskTop filing system. Syntax: *DeskFS ==> Help on keyword Basic BASIC is the ARM BBC BASIC interpreter. Syntax: *BASIC [-help|-chain|-load|-quit] ==> Help on keyword BreakClr *BreakClr removes the breakpoint at the specified address. If no address is given then all breakpoints are removed Syntax: *BreakClr [
] ==> Help on keyword BreakList BreakList lists all the current set breakpoints Syntax: *BreakList ==> Help on keyword BreakSet *BreakSet sets a breakpoint at the given address Syntax: *BreakSet
==> Help on keyword Continue *Continue starts execution from the breakpoint saved state Syntax: *Continue ==> Help on keyword Debug *Debug gives access to Debugging facilities Syntax: *Debug ==> Help on keyword InitStore *InitStore fills user Memory with the specified data or the value &E1000090 (which is an illegal instruction) if no parameter is given Syntax: *InitStore [] ==> Help on keyword Memory *Memory displays the values in the Memory in ARM words Syntax: *Memory [B] [[+]] ==> Help on keyword MemoryA *MemoryA displays and alters the Memory in bytes or words Syntax: *MemoryA [B] [] ==> Help on keyword MemoryI *MemoryI disassembles ARM instructions Syntax: *MemoryI [[+]] ==> Help on keyword Quit *Quit returns to the last routine which claimed the EXIT handler Syntax: *Quit ==> Help on keyword ShowRegs *ShowRegs displays the ARM registers Syntax: *ShowRegs ==> Help on keyword Adfs *Adfs selects the ADFS as the current filing system. Syntax: *Adfs ==> Help on keyword Back *Back swaps current and previous directories. Syntax: *Back ==> Help on keyword Backup *Backup copies one whole floppy disc, (except free space) to another. Syntax: *Backup [Q] ==> Help on keyword Bye *Bye closes all files, unsets all directories, and parks hard discs. Syntax: *Bye ==> Help on keyword Compact *Compact tries to collect free spaces together by moving files. Syntax: *Compact [] ==> Help on keyword Dismount *Dismount closes files, unsets directories and parks the given disc. Syntax: *Dismount [] ==> Help on keyword Drive *Drive sets the default drive to use if the directory is unset. Syntax: *Drive ==> Help on keyword Format *Format prepares a floppy disc for use with the ADFS. L is the old 640K ADFS format. D is a new 800K format. Syntax: *Format L/D ==> Help on keyword Free *Free displays the total free space on a disc. Syntax: *Free [] ==> Help on keyword Map *Map displays a disc's free space map. Syntax: *Map [] ==> Help on keyword Mount *Mount sets the directory to the root directory of the disc, sets the library if unset to $.Library if it exists, and unsets the URD. The default is the default drive. Syntax: *Mount [] ==> Help on keyword NameDisc *NameDisc alters a disc's name. Syntax: *NameDisc ==> Help on keyword NameDisk *NameDisc alters a disc's name. Syntax: *NameDisc ==> Help on keyword NoDir *NoDir unsets the current directory. Syntax: *NoDir ==> Help on keyword NoLib *NoLib unsets the library. Syntax: *NoLib ==> Help on keyword NoUrd *NoUrd unsets the URD. Syntax: *NoUrd ==> Help on keyword Title *Title sets the title of the current directory. Syntax: *Title [] ==> Help on keyword Urd *Urd sets the user root directory. Syntax: *Urd [] ==> Help on keyword Verify *Verify checks the whole disc is readable. The default is the current disc. Syntax: *Verify [] ==> Help on keyword Drive *Configure drive sets the value the default drive is initialised to. Drive ==> Help on keyword Floppies *Configure Floppies sets the number of floppy disc drives attached. Floppies ==> Help on keyword HardDiscs *Configure HardDiscs sets the number of hard discs attached. HardDiscs ==> Help on keyword Step *Configure Step sets the step rate of one or all floppy disc drive. Step [] ==> Help on keyword ARMBE Enter the Editor using EDIT from Basic ==> Help on keyword Pointer Turns mouse pointer on/off ==> Help on keyword FontList *FontList lists the fonts currently cached ==> Help on keyword FontCat *FontCat lists the fonts in directory *FontCat lists the fonts in ==> Help on keyword SChoose *SChoose selects a sprite. Syntax: *SChoose ==> Help on keyword SGet *SGet picks up an area of the screen as a sprite. Syntax: *SGet ==> Help on keyword SFlipX *SFlipX reflects the sprite about the X axis. Syntax: *SFlipX ==> Help on keyword SFlipY *SFlipY reflects the sprite about the Y axis. Syntax: *SFlipY ==> Help on keyword SDelete *SDelete deletes sprites. Syntax: *SDelete [] ==> Help on keyword SList *SList lists all sprites. Syntax: *SList ==> Help on keyword SLoad *SLoad loads a sprite file into memory. Syntax: *SLoad ==> Help on keyword SMerge *SMerge appends a sprite file to those in memory. Syntax: *SMerge ==> Help on keyword SNew *SNew clears all sprite definitions. Syntax: *SNew ==> Help on keyword SSave *SSave saves the sprite memory. Syntax: *SSave ==> Help on keyword SInfo *SInfo prints size of sprite workspace. Syntax: *SInfo ==> Help on keyword SRename *SRename renames a sprite. Syntax: *SRename ==> Help on keyword SCopy *SCopy makes a copy of a sprite. Syntax: *SCopy ==> Help on keyword ScreenSave *ScreenSave saves the graphics window. Syntax: *ScreenSave ==> Help on keyword ScreenLoad *ScreenLoad loads into the graphics window. Syntax: *ScreenLoad ==> Help on keyword Audio The *Audio command controls the sound system. Syntax: *Audio ON | OFF ==> Help on keyword Speaker The *Speaker command controls the loudspeaker. Syntax: *Speaker ON | OFF ==> Help on keyword Stereo The *Stereo sets stereo position of a sound channel. Syntax: *Stereo where is 1-8, is -127(L) to 127(R) (0 for centre) ==> Help on keyword Volume The *Volume command sets the audio channel loudness. Syntax: *Volume n ==> Help on keyword Voices *Voices lists the installed voices and channel allocation. ==> Help on keyword ChannelVoice The *ChannelVoice command attaches a Voice to a Sound Channel. Syntax: *ChannelVoice | ==> Help on keyword Sound The *Sound command makes a foreground (immediate) sound. Syntax: *Sound ==> Help on keyword Tuning The *Tuning command alters the relative system tuning. Syntax: *Tuning -&offf to &offf <-16383 to 16383> ( where 'o' is octave, 'fff' is fraction of octave ) *Tuning 0 for reset tuning to default ==> Help on keyword SoundDefault *configure SoundDefault sets default sound channel one parameters. SoundDefault <0|1> <0-7> <1-16> (speaker, volume, voice) ==> Help on keyword Tempo The *Tempo command sets the system tempo. Syntax: *Tempo (0 - &FFFF, &1000 Default) ==> Help on keyword QSound *QSound queues a sound after the specified number of tempo ticks. Syntax: *QSound ==> Help on keyword HardCopyFX *HardCopyFX is used to print a hard copy of the screen on EPSON-FX compatible printers. Syntax: *HardCopyFX [Landscape [ [ [ []]]]] ==> Help on keyword HardCopyMX *HardCopyMX is used to print a hard copy of the screen on EPSON-MX compatible printers. Syntax: *HardCopyMX [Landscape [ [ [ []]]]] ==> Help on keyword HardCopyRX *HardCopyRX is used to print a hard copy of the screen on EPSON-RX compatible printers. Syntax: *HardCopyRX [Landscape [ [ [ []]]]] ==> Help on keyword Alphabet *Alphabet sets an alphabet from a country or alphabet name. *Alphabet with no parameter displays the currently selected alphabet. Syntax: *Alphabet [ | ] ==> Help on keyword Country *Country sets the appropriate alphabet and keyboard driver for a particular country. *Country with no parameter displays the currently selected country. Syntax: *Country [] ==> Help on keyword Keyboard *Keyboard sets the keyboard driver for a particular country. *Keyboard with no parameter displays the currently selected keyboard. Syntax: *Keyboard [] ==> Help on keyword Country *Configure Country controls which country setting the computer will use on a hard reset, which in turn determines which alphabet and keyboard driver is used. Syntax: *Configure Country ==> Help on keyword Podules *Podules gives information about podules on the system Syntax : *Podules ==> Help on keyword PoduleLoad *PoduleLoad copies a file into the RAM of a specified podule Syntax : *PoduleLoad [] ==> Help on keyword PoduleSave *PoduleSave copies the ROM of a specified podule into a file Syntax : *PoduleSave []