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The Icon Bar: General: RISC OS London Show 2012
  RISC OS London Show 2012
  helpful (18:23 21/10/2012)
  sa_scott (10:04 22/10/2012)
  helpful (03:43 26/10/2012)
    helpful (19:47 26/10/2012)
      Stoppers (21:02 26/10/2012)
        Stoppers (21:18 26/10/2012)
    trevj (07:42 27/10/2012)
      Tin Hat (15:28 27/10/2012)
        krisa (10:06 29/10/2012)
          stevef (23:40 29/10/2012)
            krisa (17:08 30/10/2012)
          Tin Hat (22:59 11/11/2012)
            VincceH (09:41 12/11/2012)
              franck (10:25 12/11/2012)
              CJE (11:50 12/11/2012)
              trevj (13:28 12/11/2012)
              VincceH (15:47 12/11/2012)
                Tin Hat (21:34 12/11/2012)
                  VincceH (23:04 12/11/2012)
                    VincceH (21:01 23/11/2012)
                      helpful (03:41 24/11/2012)
                  helpful (16:13 13/11/2012)
                    helpful (16:23 13/11/2012)
                    Tin Hat (00:16 14/11/2012)
Bryan Hogan Message #121280, posted by helpful at 18:23, 21/10/2012
Posts: 252
I thought I'd start a separate London Show thread, to cover news in the run up and discussions afterwards.

First the basics, the show is on Saturday 27th October at the St Giles Hotel in Feltham. Open from 11am to 5pm, tickets 5 pounds, under 16s free.

The show will be the first chance to see the official ROOL release of RISC OS for the Raspberry Pi. There will also be a separate Pi room where anyone can show off their Pi projects, whether RISC OS based or not.

Head of the R-PI Foundation Eben Upton is hoping to be at the show, subject to recovering from jetlag in time!

The Centre for Computing History will be bringing along their Cryoflux disc imager along with an A3010 to play them on. If you have any of the missing games listed here:
...bring them along for archiving.

There will of course be software updates from R-Comp, Martin Wuerthner, SineNomine, Organizer, and others.

And don't forget to bring along any spare hardware and software to raise money for a good cause on the charity stand!

More details and latest news on the show website.
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Stephen Scott Message #121286, posted by sa_scott at 10:04, 22/10/2012, in reply to message #121280
Posts: 73
This looks set to be one of the best shows for our platform in a long time.

It is therefore typical that I am unable to come. Being half term, I'm going away on holiday.

I therefore expect lots of video footage and reportage in the aftermath, to keep me sane during the week!
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Bryan Hogan Message #121333, posted by helpful at 03:43, 26/10/2012, in reply to message #121280
Posts: 252
Extra theatre presentation, so hot of the press it is not even in the show guide!

Gordon Taylor, of Archimedes World and Computer Concepts fame, will be giving a talk on "Raspberry Pi, the Big Picture"
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Bryan Hogan Message #121337, posted by helpful at 19:47, 26/10/2012, in reply to message #121333
Posts: 252
Official version of RISC OS for the Raspberry Pi is now available:


Come along to the London Show to see it in action, and buy it on SD card ready to go with a whole bunch of commercial software.

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Simon Willcocks Message #121338, posted by Stoppers at 21:02, 26/10/2012, in reply to message #121337
Posts: 302
Official version of RISC OS for the Raspberry Pi is now available
I just tried it. It´s the first time I´ve tried RO on anything newer than a RPC.

It looks very smooth (I expect it won´t scan for fonts on every boot).

On my TV, though, the icons on the LHS (including one for PlingStore) are half-way off the screen, as is the IconBar off the bottom. Is this normal?

[Edited by Stoppers at 21:03, 26/10/2012]
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Simon Willcocks Message #121339, posted by Stoppers at 21:18, 26/10/2012, in reply to message #121338
Posts: 302
And.... now it's all on screen and networking is working. As you can see. From this message.

My power supply is still a bit suspect, though.
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Trevor Johnson Message #121340, posted by trevj at 07:42, 27/10/2012, in reply to message #121333
Posts: 660
Gordon Taylor, of Archimedes World and Computer Concepts fame, will be giving a talk on "Raspberry Pi, the Big Picture"
Get to bed, Bryan! Great news though. I hope this will be filmed and put on line so that the RPi Foundation can maybe link to it soon.
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Patric Aristide Message #121341, posted by Tin Hat at 15:28, 27/10/2012, in reply to message #121340
Posts: 56
Isn't there going to be a stream?
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Kris Adcock Message #121362, posted by krisa at 10:06, 29/10/2012, in reply to message #121341
Posts: 62
So how was it? Any pictures around yet?
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Steve Fryatt Message #121366, posted by stevef at 23:40, 29/10/2012, in reply to message #121362
Posts: 18
So how was it? Any pictures around yet?
There are some (without any captions or information) here: http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/gallery/london2012/
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Kris Adcock Message #121370, posted by krisa at 17:08, 30/10/2012, in reply to message #121366
Posts: 62
So how was it? Any pictures around yet?
There are some (without any captions or information) here: http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/gallery/london2012/
Ah! Thank you kindly, sir!
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Patric Aristide Message #121444, posted by Tin Hat at 22:59, 11/11/2012, in reply to message #121362
Posts: 56
So how was it? Any pictures around yet?
I guess nothing happened then
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VinceH Message #121445, posted by VincceH at 09:41, 12/11/2012, in reply to message #121444
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
So how was it? Any pictures around yet?
I guess nothing happened then
Stuff happened. Unfortunately, stuff has also happened since...

I expected - and warned people - that the RISCOSitory write up would be delayed because I was going to be very busy for a week or so after the show, but I had hoped it would have been online by now. However, I started last week with a somewhat unexpected spell in hospital*, which has put me behind in other areas, so a write up (and any other news) has to wait.

* Long story really short: I woke up Monday morning with a severe case of double vision, and ended up being admitted to hospital due to high blood pressure (the highest recorded by my doctor was 240/130, and it was 240/140 when the hospital first checked it).

[Edited by VincceH at 09:43, 12/11/2012]
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Franck Martinaux Message #121447, posted by franck at 10:25, 12/11/2012, in reply to message #121445
Posts: 25
Hi VinceH,

Wish you a fast and healthy recover.
Hope you start to feel better.
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Chris Evans Message #121450, posted by CJE at 11:50, 12/11/2012, in reply to message #121445
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
Please take your time and don't push yourself. We can wait, I'm looking forward to a report as we were so buzy on our stand I didn't see hardly anything of the other stands. I'll just have to be patient!
It is anyway in our best interest in the long run to have a healthy Vince aboutbig smile
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Trevor Johnson Message #121452, posted by trevj at 13:28, 12/11/2012, in reply to message #121445
Posts: 660
Take it easy and let us know if you need anything. Hope to see you fit and healthy some time soon! smile
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VinceH Message #121454, posted by VincceH at 15:47, 12/11/2012, in reply to message #121445
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Thanks guys. To be fair, other than the business with my eyesight (which cleared up without help as the day progressed), I've felt absolutely fine throughout.

Chris: It was much the same for me; I did wander around at the show, but nowhere near as much as usual. Which is a good thing, I suppose.

Trev: You'll hopefully see me at the pub on Wednesday. Unless when I go to the doctor tonight she sends me back to hospital! (I believe she has some test results for me.)
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Patric Aristide Message #121456, posted by Tin Hat at 21:34, 12/11/2012, in reply to message #121454
Posts: 56
Sorry to hear about that Vince. I hope you didn't think I was having a dig at you in person! It's more a general frustration about "the best RISC OS show in years" and then you don't get to read anything anywhere unhappy

Unfortunately we seem to be very short of people who aren't up to their neck in work. Seriously though why not record the presentations and make videos available via torrent afterwards? I would have thought that to be a lot less work than having some poor fellow writing everything down. I'm a bit worried about information being passed on through closed user groups and printed magazines. It tends to make RISC OS rather invisible to outsiders.
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VinceH Message #121457, posted by VincceH at 23:04, 12/11/2012, in reply to message #121456
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
Sorry to hear about that Vince. I hope you didn't think I was having a dig at you in person!
Not at all.

Unfortunately we seem to be very short of people who aren't up to their neck in work.
If only RISC OS paid the bills. smile

Seriously though why not record the presentations and make videos available via torrent afterwards?
ROUGOL have filmed the presentations for the last couple of years, and made them available from their website eventually - I assume they've filmed them again this year and will upload them at some point.

It tends to make RISC OS rather invisible to outsiders.
Which, of course, is one of the reasons behind posting this sort of thing on RISCOSitory.

I was secretly hoping when I went to the doctor's this evening that she'd send me to hospital again; this time I'd be more prepared and take the laptop with me, and use the time to bring RISCOSitory up to date. Sadly, although my blood pressure has crept up again (180/110), all she did was increase the dosage of one of my meds. Oh well. wink
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Bryan Hogan Message #121459, posted by helpful at 16:13, 13/11/2012, in reply to message #121456
Posts: 252
Personally, I have barely had my computer on since the show, just been too tired! Organising the show this year was probably the hardest one yet. There were so many last minute changes, and projects/guests that may/may not make it, that I was never sure what could be announced in advance.

Combine that with a bunch of non show events that happened to fall that same week, it meant I was not getting home until late, and only then could start on show stuff. This lead to a lot of (very!) late night postings to websites as plans came together. I think my blood pressure is ok, but my body clock is now completely up the creek unhappy

So all that is just an explanantion as to why I haven't got round to chasing people about photos, replying to emails, and generally tying up the post show knots. Hopefully back up to speed soon(ish).

But enough about me.....

I'm not sure why there have been no write ups this year, or where all the photos that I saw being taken have gone to. If anyone has any, do get in touch. We did video all the theatre talks and they will be uploaded to the show website once they've been converted to a RISC OS friendly format.

Things that happened:
- ROOL's official Raspberry Pi release, which could lead to more RISC OS users than there has ever been before
- RComp had the fastest RISC OS machine ever with the ARMiniX, plus upgrades to MessengerPro and probably other stuff - I never got a chance to talk to them unhappy
- CJE has their biggest ever stand, with more addons than you could shake a USB stick at
- Eben and Liz Upton, founders of the R-Pi Foundation were there all afternoon, checking out RISC OS's progress and tweeting about it
- There were several music projects competing for your ears
- Martin Wuerthner did not release any new upgrades. I know this is a non-event, but it's so unusual, it counts as an event! Congratulations on the birth of your daughter Martin smile
- DIY RISC OS laptops
- I got to drive a remote control BigTrak up and down the hall shooting people big grin

Attendance was up on last year, so expect to see next year's show date announced in the new year.


[Edited by helpful at 16:25, 13/11/2012]
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Bryan Hogan Message #121460, posted by helpful at 16:23, 13/11/2012, in reply to message #121459
Posts: 252
All the above means I also haven't arranged a speaker for next week's ROUGOL meeting unhappy

If anyone has something they would like to talk about or demo, at this or any other meeting, please get in touch.

Whatever else happens, we will have several Raspberry Pi's running the official RISC OS release for people to play with.

[Edited by helpful at 16:24, 13/11/2012]
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Patric Aristide Message #121462, posted by Tin Hat at 00:16, 14/11/2012, in reply to message #121459
Posts: 56
Thanks Bryan, much appreciated!

We did video all the theatre talks and they will be uploaded to the show website once they've been converted to a RISC OS friendly format.
Looking forward to seeing them big smile

CJE has their biggest ever stand, with more addons than you could shake a USB stick at
What's with the Pi based machine CJE wanted to bring along? I've only heard some rumors before and references to such a thing afterwards.

Eben and Liz Upton, founders of the R-Pi Foundation were there all afternoon, checking out RISC OS's progress and tweeting about it
Most cool! Should've kept an eye on twitter unhappy

Attendance was up on last year
Congrats and thanks for organizing indeed!
Seeing RO on Pi screenshots felt really good too. Fantastic job by ROOL et al. <3
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VinceH Message #121544, posted by VincceH at 21:01, 23/11/2012, in reply to message #121457
Lowering the tone since the dawn of time

Posts: 1600
At long last: What a show - London 2012 smile
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Bryan Hogan Message #121545, posted by helpful at 03:41, 24/11/2012, in reply to message #121544
Posts: 252
Good timing as I have just put the videos of the show theatre talks up on the website:


The MPEGs should play on a StrongARM RiscPC, although you might need to go fullscreen for smooth playback.

[Edited by helpful at 03:44, 24/11/2012]
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The Icon Bar: General: RISC OS London Show 2012