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The Icon Bar: News and features: Arculator updated to add A4 emulation and more podule support

Arculator updated to add A4 emulation and more podule support

Posted by Andrew Poole on 11:33, 10/9/2021 | , , , , , ,
Archimedes emulator Arculator has been updated to version 2.1 with some very nice new features. The emulator can now emulate an A4 laptop or the A500 prototype and can also emulate more podules, including the Aleph One 386 and 486 podule, meaning you can now run DOS and Windows in the emulator.
Other podules now supported include Acorn ROM podules, MIDI podules, Oak SCSI interfaces and Computer Concepts' ColourCard. Support for disc images in the .hfe format is also now included.
Arculator running Windows  Arculator being an A4

Head over to the Arculator website to download the new version.
  Arculator updated to add A4 emulation and more podule support
  andypoole (11:35 10/9/2021)
  nytrex (17:52 10/9/2021)
    arawnsley (10:41 11/9/2021)
      Kevsoft (11:17 12/9/2021)
  Raik (08:28 22/9/2021)
Andrew Poole Message #125198, posted by andypoole at 11:35, 10/9/2021
Mouse enthusiast

Posts: 5558
And yes, it did take me nearly an hour the other day to install DOS and Windows just for that screenshot.
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Alan Robertson Message #125199, posted by nytrex at 17:52, 10/9/2021, in reply to message #125198
Posts: 111
And yes, it did take me nearly an hour the other day to install DOS and Windows just for that screenshot.
Your sacrifice was worth it. It looks good.
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Andrew Rawnsley Message #125200, posted by arawnsley at 10:41, 11/9/2021, in reply to message #125199
R-Comp chap
Posts: 596
Agreed - this was news to me, and really interesting smile

I just wish there was an ARM/RISCOS build of the emulator alongside the Windows one, for playing around with the PC card, on modern RISC OS 5. It'd be fun!
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Kevin Wells Message #125201, posted by Kevsoft at 11:17, 12/9/2021, in reply to message #125200
Posts: 40
Agreed - this was news to me, and really interesting smile

I just wish there was an ARM/RISCOS build of the emulator alongside the Windows one, for playing around with the PC card, on modern RISC OS 5. It'd be fun!
How hard would it be to convert the application to RISC OS?
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Raik Fischer Message #125206, posted by Raik at 08:28, 22/9/2021, in reply to message #125198
Posts: 12
Very nice. The first emulator can handle the 2GB image cloned from my A4 HDD. 4 EADFS partitions. All are working.
My Aleph1 PCCard stuff is not working. Wrong card detected. Needs any investigation.
screenshot: http://www.riscos.berlin/screenshots/arculator_eadfs.jpg
Any lines at the bottom of the Desktop are missing.

[Edited by Raik at 08:32, 22/9/2021]
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Arculator updated to add A4 emulation and more podule support