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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISC OS London Show 2019 - Notes from the talks

RISC OS London Show 2019 - Notes from the talks

Posted by Mark Stephens on 15:20, 26/10/2019 |
Here are my notes from the talks. Any mistakes or omissions are mine.

CJE Micros
Chris had some slides prepared to show. for London rather than an armful of bits.
Recapped items from Wakefield Show - Econet box, new battery/realtime clock for RISC PC, IDE podule, small 7/10inch displays with HDMI input, remote pointer for any RISC OS machine which has USB, KVM switch with support for 2 screens, PI desktop box and selection of cases.
Have Pi4 in stock running Raspbian.
Now installed in new, bigger premises, only a mile for Chris' house. Most business now mail order. Visitors still welcome by appointment.
WiFi Sheep
Lots of changes to update us on. Wifi sheep is a youtube tech channel. Has corporate sponsor PCBway. Also parter of RISC OS developments, and funded by adsense and user donations via Patreon. It is free - please subscribe as that helps.
Ident Computers now create the plans to build the hardware from foam board - no longer making hardware to buy. Compact Edition was sold by RISCOSbits and Compact Edition make become download for people with 3D printers.
Nangangs platform game is finished on BBC micro in BASIC.
Wifi sheep RISC OS version (standard 5 with additional apps). still free and features will appear in upcoming ROOL build. when this happens, Wifi Sheep build will be discontinued once it is released.
RISC OS Direct - The Video Series. 6 initial episodes from December. Aimed at showcasing RISC OS to new users.
R-Comp / RISC OS Developments 
Room was full for talk.
Andrew was covering both as Richard not able to attend.
2 browser's now in beta version - link sent to shareholders first. OBrowser supporters will ge release before Christmas and general release for all hopefully next year.
Demo of 2 browser on multiple sites including BBC website and google groups.
Impression style now available for free. Needs Aemulor. Manual has been updated.
2 other programs will be released for free shortly.
Python 3.8 will be available for RISC OS.
Working with wifi sheep on new set of videos introducing RISC OS and applications.
Will have new distribution for video which will be designed to run on larger 8gig card with lots of additional applications.
External usage of RISC OS will see it used on 100,000 devices for a project. Leading to funds coming back in for developments.
Mentioned new ARM laptop and Lockscreen software briefly at end as ran out of time...
University of Cantabria
A new exhibitor at there RISC OS shows.
UCDebug is an ARM debugging tool for RspberryPi.
Developed by University of Cantabria (in Santander, Spain).
ATC (Computer Technology Group) created it as part of research and teaching. 4 authors. Courses moved from MIPS to ARM and Pi architecture. More interesting for students.
Chose RISC OS - visual interface, allows direct handling of I/O and GCC toolset.
Not happy with existing debug tools so wrote UCDebug.
On GitHub at https://fuentesp.github.io/UCDebug/
Used by 400 students each year - heavily tested and 400 RISC OS users in Spain!
Should be straight-forward to port onto other platforms but currently only tested on PI and some dependencies on hardware.
RISC OS Open Ltd
Steve Revill updated us on developments in last year.
Gitlab hits prime time. Now open for general access at https://gitlab.riscosopen.org/ (one less 'odd' thing for new developers.
Much better way of submitting code and getting reviews.
Disk image now packaged so can use packman to install, remove and upgrade easily.
TCP/IP Bounty 1 completed. Removed lots of Insecure network protocols
Compiler bounty completed.
Support for ARM v6, 7, 8
Updated toolbox manual
Updated ABC compiler
Formal announcement on ROOL site soon.
Update on bounty scheme - since 2011, 56K raised. 6 major tasks completed, 4 in progress, 6 collecting.
In process improvements to - Paint, Filing systems, clipboard support, PNG export.
Beta testers are required.
Collecting - TCP/IP (2 bounties), USB stack overhaul, Toolbox reunification, LanManFS protocols
RISC OS does not yet run on Pi4. Complicated by major changes and lack of documentation. Having to look at how Linux port handles it. Possibly xmas 2019 or 2020 release. You can see progress on GitLab.
Future plans - multi-core, multiple monitors, promote RISC OS, plan for end of 32bit era.
  RISC OS London Show 2019 - Notes from the talks
  CJE (14:33 28/10/2019)
  markee174 (20:10 28/10/2019)
    svrsig (21:40 29/10/2019)
Chris Evans Message #124634, posted by CJE at 14:33, 28/10/2019
CJE Micros chap
Posts: 228
Minor correction re our new premises.
Visitors are still welcome to drop in during the week but on Saturdays it is by appointment.
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Mark Stephens Message #124635, posted by markee174 at 20:10, 28/10/2019, in reply to message #124634
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 145
Thanks for clarifying my notes
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Chris Hall Message #124639, posted by svrsig at 21:40, 29/10/2019, in reply to message #124635
Posts: 41
My understanding with regard to progress on the port to the Pi4 is that it is now possible to 'see' the USB chip from RISC OS. The chip is different from others that already work with RISC OS and 5 man days of work would be required to make it work.

The Ethernet chip, again different from the 'Ethernet over USB' approach used before, needs about ten man days work.

Finding an expert programmer with time on his hands, enthusiastic and in no need of money has proved difficult!

So it is only a guess at the factor between man days of work and elapsed real time...
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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISC OS London Show 2019 - Notes from the talks