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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISC OS London Show Report 2019

RISC OS London Show Report 2019

Posted by Mark Stephens on 16:30, 26/10/2019 |
The show seemed very busy and I did not get a chance to speak to everyone. You can see all the stands in our pictures and notes on the talks. Here is what I picked up from the exhibitors.....
Adrian Lees was showing off his new VNC/Synergy type software for RISC OS. It was allowing easy use of 4 machines. There is still things he wants to do which which make it even faster. I signed up as a potential beta tester. Good to see him back on the scene.
3rd Event Technologies had AMCS running on their stand (which will need to be bigger if they keep adding bits). They had the noisiest stand at the show!
AMCOG Games had a new 3D game called Star Mine to play and purchase on their stand. Some updates will be available shortly on !Store.
Archive Magazine had the new edition and subscribers were able to collect their copies.
Chris Hall had his usual selection of software and hardware projects to demonstrate.
CJE Micro's - The Fourth Dimension had the usual wide selection of kit including their releases from Wakefield and the new Pi4. Nothing new for London. They have now moved across to their new offices.
Daryl Dudey had some very interesting 3D demos written in BASIC using a C library the has written. These included a revolving head, cubes and some computer generated 3D landscapes. He plans to release the library available for others to use.
Drag 'n Drop had a brand new edition of their magazine and back on schedule after a recent lull. There were also some nice new branded USB drives and the selection of books and software.
Impression X will see a new release in the next few weeks adding some new Postscript features.
Organizer did not have a new release but a lot of work has been done under the hood towards the next release.
R-Comp had lots of interest in their new ARM laptop. They were also fielding questions for RISC OS Developments and showing off the 2 new browsers.
RISC OS Bits had their usually selection of cases and plugins. There was a new slick new case which is not quite ready.
RISC OS Developments Ltd Richard Brown was unfortunately unable to attend the show at the last moment.
RISC OS Open Ltd is now also a lifestyle brand with a range of shirts - wearable RISC OS.... They also had the full range of books, SD cards, etc.
Riscy Robots had lots of robots being controlled from BBC Basic.
Jim Russell had a BBC micro setup with a PI inside which could dual boot into Raspbian, Libre and RISC OS.
ROUGOL were busy not only running the show but also showing off several pieces of kit. You could also sign up for their mailing list.
RPCEmu had the charity CD available with the new version of the software. This makes setting up networking much easier - degree in AstroPhysics no longer required.
Soft Rock Software had some new levels on their existing games.
University of Cantabria were giving away a free swag bag and showing the ARM debugger they have running on RISC OS.
VideoNuLA Rob Coleman was showing off the colour mapping capabilities and there was also a copy of Doom running.
WiFi Sheep were updating us on their video channel and plans for various new products for both the retro and RISC OS market.
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The Icon Bar: News and features: RISC OS London Show Report 2019