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The Icon Bar: News and features: Rougol August meeting welcomes Cloverleaf Project

Rougol August meeting welcomes Cloverleaf Project

Posted by Mark Stephens on 21:45, 17/8/2020 |
Rougol is still online on Zoom and tonight we welcomed Stefan Fröhling to talk about Cloverleaf and ChatCube (which was also being used by attendees). One of the benefits of being online is that distance to London is no longer an issue - Stefan was talking from Thailand and many of the attendees would not usually be able to make the London meet-up. Despite the clash with the Wakefield Club meeting, over 40 people attended.

The meeting normally starts at 7:30pm with general chat on RISC OS (and non-RISC OS topics), with the talk starting at 7:45pm.
The talks started with a demonstration of ChatCube, the first project from Cloverleaf project. This is a free chat program. IT provides chat in RISC OS and also a Telegram client. If you dodo not have a Telegram account, ChatCube can create a new account for you. The plan is to add other clients. File transfer is supported. The Telegram client was a learning experience fir the developers.
Next Stefan Told us about the Cloverleaf project. The goal is to find new users for RISC OS. TO help this, a second aim is to update and develop RISC OS, filling in the gaps of programs, drivers, usability. A third aim is to bring new hardware to the market. A final aim is to form a brand to represent RISC OS computers.
Cloverleaf project also wants to encourage improvements to RISC OS such as Wifi, Bluetooth and NVMe, GPI support, more programs and better international support in RISC OS. Stefan also wants to encourage conversion of existing programs.
Cloverleaf is looking for our help the spread the word, and to hopefully get involved with programming, support, crowdfunding.
We then moved to questions...
The aim is to work together with other groups like ROOL, not compete.
The plan is to use and interact with Plingstore. Stefan is keen t have a clear easy store, such as Apple and Google offer.
Wifi is a very important requirement for taking RISC OS forward.
Stefan was asked on his thoughts on Python versus BASIC. Andrew Rawsnley jointd in to talk about Python 3 developments for RISC OS.
There was a discussion about getting the balance with backwards compatibility versus new changes.
Stefan would also like to help existing developers and to help them to upgrade their programs.
There was a discussion on getting Youtube support on RISC OS. Lots of positive comments on Raik's software for searching videos. Proper support will need to utilise the GPU on modern machines.
There is no point in just copying other systems though, and discussion on what USP for RISC OS is. John Cartmell suggested it was the way RISC OS allows you to work with, rather than against it.
Stefan said in his talk that he had been away from RISC OS for 20 years. He explained he had returned due to his frustration with Windows.
Chatting continued online after the meeting on the (now) online London Show and other topics.
Next month's meeting is on Monday 21st September and features Stuart Swales talking about Acornsoft and Colton Software.
Cloverleaf website
  Rougol August meeting welcomes Cloverleaf Project
  davidb (23:35 17/8/2020)
  markee174 (08:28 18/8/2020)
David Boddie Message #124933, posted by davidb at 23:35, 17/8/2020
Posts: 147
I'm guessing that the link at the end should go to here. wink
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Mark Stephens Message #124934, posted by markee174 at 08:28, 18/8/2020, in reply to message #124933
Does all the
work around here

Posts: 145
Fixed. Thanks for pointing out
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The Icon Bar: News and features: Rougol August meeting welcomes Cloverleaf Project