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The Icon Bar: News and features: Archive Edition 26:6 reviewed

Archive Edition 26:6 reviewed

Posted by Mark Stephens on 07:42, 4/1/2024 |

The latest edition of Archive Magazine (26:6) is now available.

Inside the suitable seasonal cover, you will find 44 pages packed with news, reviews, opinion, hints, tips and some yellow pages.

The 6 page news section is (as usual) still damp and including all the gossip on upcoming events for 2024 along with new and updated software releases. If you have the PDF version, links are all clickable.

The new eMMC4 from RISCOSbits get a review and there is also a retrospective from RISC OS Developments on the last 12 months. If you missed the MUG show there is also a report showing what you missed!

There is lots of practical coding in this edition, with a bit of a focus on BBC BASIC. You can discover how to make it snow faster on your machine, another snow program in the yellow pages or find out how to create some animated ellipses. There is a nice tutorial on creating Vector Graphics stripes and a guide on how to put your software onto !Store. There are lots of hints and tips tucked in too, but I will leave you to discover those.

When you feel like a break from coding, the regular RISC OS Arcade and Retro columns have plenty of fun game updates for you to play.

Gavin is really hitting his stride as editor of Archive and we are really looking forward to seeing what he does in 2024!

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The Icon Bar: News and features: Archive Edition 26:6 reviewed